4 written essays

     Writing Expectations


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4 written essays
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There will be 4 written essays; they will be 4-5pages minimum lengthLate papers will be accepted, but the grade will go down ½ a grade (i.e. A becomes B+) each class that the paper is late. See writing expectations handout  (at D2L) on what I expect from you when writing essays.

Certain key expectations for every essay (i.e. points can be deducted if not followed) include:


Essays are expected to be structured with the following components:


1.An intro to the essay [which should be clear and written to draw my attention to your essay—first impressions matter].

  1. A body in which you answer clearly and comprehensively the questions I ask you in the essay questions [which will be posted in advance at D2L in a folder entitled “Essay Questions”]. In the body of the paper I’m not interested in opinions. I am looking for a thoughtful and clear exposition/analysis of the general argument in the texts and using them to answer the questions in the essay questions.
  2. 3. A conclusion, in which you provide input that includes your interpretation, which is informed by concepts in the readings [as opposed to merely sharing ‘opinions’ that have no relevance to the concepts and arguments raised in the readings, lectures…).

**If anything about the above 3 expectations or about the essay topic wording itself is unclear, feel free to come to my office and ask for clarification. I’d be glad to answer such questions to reassure you you’re on the right path.



*The next list is very important*


***Don’t forget this:


1) Each paragraph, except for the introduction and conclusions should have at least 2 references to the readings and at least one reference to notes that you’ve taken in class.  If you reference more than the minimum, that will help your paper grade. References should be used to prove you have read the reading in full (so reference beyond the first few pages of a reading and reference frequently)–that is very important.



References can follow a sentence:


  • to reference Adam Smith from page 6, you should follow this format: Smith argues that the month of August is hot (6).
  • or at the end of a quote with the page number in parentheses: Smith contends that the month of August is hot because, “all one has to do is step outside and the reason is obvious!” (6).
  • or—if it’s apparent you’re discussing Smith’s chapter, you can write a sentence such as: It is always hot in August, except in Chile (36).
  • You only need to use the materials read in this class; you do not need to use and should never use outside reading or web based sources [other than those assigned] as references for the papers.


  1. 2) When you reference lecture notes at least once every paragraph, follow this format strictly:


  • to reference from your January 12th  notes, you would follow this format:


The sun tends to influence whether it is cold or hot (8/26).  That would tell me that the key idea for this sentence comes from your lecture notes taken on August 26th.  You should not put quotation marks around the lecture notes, even if you’re directly quoting what I said in class.

Lecture notes cited should reflect ideas I stress or repeated as important ones. You don’t want to cite notes that are from trivial comments I made as I was talking.



      3) All essays should have your name, date, and name of the class


4) Essays are expected to be at minimum length as called for in the Essay Topic Handout for each essay.


5) All essays should have a title that indicates what the essay is about and attracts the reader to the essay.  “Essay 1” is not a title.


6) They should all be using only Book Antiqua or Palatino or Times New Roman  12 pt. fonts only.


7) All new paragraphs should be indented 5 spaces.


8) All right side margins should be placed at 6” on the right side of the ruler bar.


9) All papers should have at least 25 double spaced [or, even better, 1.5 spaced] lines on each page.


10)  Paraphrase, unless the quotation is really one you think should be directly quoted.  Longer quotes should be avoided, but where rarely used,  indented, justified on the left, and single spaced.  Long quotes should follow this format:


In the month of April, it tends to become warmer. May, however, is typically rainy, which is why flowers grow so rapidly during that month.  June is pleasant, usually not too hot, but warming with every passing day. July, on the other hand is often unbearably hot and not a time for going outdoors without putting on some sunscreen (24).



11)   ALL papers should be numbered on each page. Use pagination from the tool menu. Never manually put in numbers yourself, the computer software does the job much better than you or I can and does it much more easily to boot.


12)  Suffice it to say, since this is a college class, therefore grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax, word usage mistakes hurt the grade of a paper. These types of errors are the equivalent of showing up for a date and forgetting to comb your hair, not brushing your teeth, or only wearing one sock. I might point out the errors you’re making in your drafts, but you are responsible for making sure they are corrected and also for correcting mistakes that I did not highlight while reviewing a draft.


13)   Never, never ever use hanging quotations.  If the quotation is the only part of a sentence, you need to fix that into a real English sentence.  This is a hanging quotation:


“The sun is a very hot place in August and in December too!” (45)


This is the hanging quotation transformed (rather easily) into an English sentence:


Although some express disagreement, Abelmann suggests that “The sun is a very hot place in August and in December too” (45).


There is no writing format in English (except possibly cartoons) that allows hanging quotations. Do not use hanging quotations ever. EVER.


14) Avoid words like ‘thing’, ‘get’, ‘say’; use other words that express the same meaning of these words. 


15) Avoid using the word ‘within.’  Use ‘in,’ as that almost always is sufficient.




If grammar, spelling, sentence structure, etc. are issues for you (they are for all of us to one extent or another), you can go to the Write Place , located at 117 51 BuildingThe staff is friendly, almost all are students like yourself, and they provide help with paper writing and review. Not only are they able to help out with both structure of the essay and grammar issues, but they are also very friendly. I have received very good feedback from students about Write Place


Take advantage of their help, which you’ve already paid for in your tuition.


Certainly, feel free to bring your drafts to me in person to my office Stewart Hall 256, during my office hours or by appointment, to discuss. I can give helpful advice on writing issues that I see, in addition to content issues. Usually talking with me about your writing helps students relax about writing.  NEVER EVER feel like you are bothering me by asking for feedback or help with writing issues.  I am happy to help out.




Common writing issues that affect your essay grade:


  1. 1. Don’t use Get, got, gotten, getting, … “Misbegotten” is ok however. Use higher level words than ‘thing’ in your writing. Don’t use phrases like “talk about”; instead use ‘contends, argues, asserts, etc.’


  1. Don’t use “A lot” and ‘lots’ in college essays. “Says, said, saying, say…” , ‘get,’ ‘got,’ ‘thing’…Using these words is the equivalent of showing up for a date with a drab gray shirt and gray pants. Don’t use the word ‘within’. “In” almost always works better.


  1. 3. Misplaced or not placed apostrophes are not acceptable in a college essay. Proofread and be sure you’re using them correctly. Ditto commas. It matters. If you put them in the wrong place, you’re telegraphing to your reader (or even worse, bosses) that you don’t have necessary command of English.


  1. Know the difference between it’s and its, they’re and their and there, your and you’re, were and we’re, led and lead, affect and effect.. If you make these kinds of mistakes, they will hurt your grade.


  1. Avoid using the word ‘within;’ use ‘in’ instead. The word ‘within’ is overused and often incorrectly.


  1. Other mistakes that I mention to you in the course of the semester in comments on your papers or when I lecture in class.


  1. Never ever use hanging quotations. Ever. Never. Ever. (See above # 13)


  1. Be sure you write complete sentences.


  1. Paragraphs should usually be between 1/3rd to ½ a page at maximum. Very very very lonnnnggggg paragraphs are hard for the reader to follow. Split them up into shorter paragraphs where new themes are being discussed.



Essay Draft Submissions for comments and suggestions for improvement:


You may submit drafts of essays through D2L Dropbox  only (I never accept or read papers submitted to my email address) or bring it by and show it to me in my office.  (1-2) drafts are allowed in advance of the final copy. All final drafts of your papers should also be sent through Dropbox. Again, just a gentle reminder, don’t send me papers through email, I won’t accept them.  It is far safer and more convenient for you and me if you and I do this through D2L Dropbox.

If you want, you can send me a draft of your first few paragraphs (via D2L Dropbox) and we can work from there, that’s often a good way to remove some of the stress of writing complete essays—if starting an essay is a challenge.

You should never ever never feel that you are ‘bothering’ me by asking questions about the reading contents or submitting essay drafts (each draft can be 1-2 pages maximum) .  I like to make comments and send feedback on your writing.  Really, I do.


Again, I also strongly encourage you to take advantage of the help available at the SCSU Write Place .  If I had one available to me when I was in college, I’m sure I would have gone to them for help too!





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