Book used I this course
CorneliusJ. Dyck, An Introduction to Mennonite History, 3rd ed.(Waterloo, ON: Herald Press, 1993)–available for purchase online
if u cant find one you can buy it online I can pay 10$ extra in tip buy online version for 10$
2,for reading I am attaching pdf with page number name as files and which file is which is written here
These all are from one book check the pdf I will attach
And one of:
This is an open-book, take-home exam. It is due Thursday, December 15, 2020. It must be submitted through Nexus by 11:59 p.m. It is worth 40% of your final grade. The only sources or reference materials you are permitted to use are: (1) the course lectures; (2) the course textbook, Dyck’s An Introduction to Mennonite History; (3) the assigned readings from Snyder and Hecht’s Profiles of Anabaptist Women; and (4) the film The Radicals. No citations are required (but they are permitted, if you choose). Please ensure that the exam is entirely your own work. No collaboration is allowed.
PART I: IDENTIFICATION (one-third of exam grade) Identify and explain the significance of 16 of the following 18 terms. Each answer should be a paragraph in length, written in good prose. Top marks will be given to answers that demonstrate a robust understanding of how the term relates to other figures, events, or ideas covered in the course.
Andreas Karlstadt
Barbara Rebstock
Bernhard Rothmann
docetic Christology
Dutch Golden Age
Hans Hut
Hans Krüsi
Hans Reist
King Wladyslaw IV
Obbe and Dirk Philips
Peter Waldo
Pilgram Marpeck
school of heretics
Swaen Rutgers
Thomas à Kempis
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PART II: ESSAY QUESTIONS (two-thirds of exam grade) Using your best writing ability, write essays in response to four of the following six questions or statements. Each essay should be about five to seven paragraphs in length (750 words is a good goal). Top marks will go to essays that demonstrate thoughtful engagement with all the relevant course materials and which make effective use of examples. Each essay has equal value.
1) This course gave considerable attention to the historiographical debate between the “Bender school” of Anabaptist studies and the revisionists who developed the polygenesis approach. Relatively recently, historian Arnold Snyder has introduced a “post-polygenesis” approach that accepts the critiques of the revisionists but also argues that “in spite of the fact of multiple origins and a variety of ideological influences, there was nevertheless a coherent ‘core’ of belief and practice that was common to all sixteenth-century baptizers.” Where do you stand on this historiographical debate, and what do you see as the essence or “core” of Anabaptism?
2) There were elements of Anabaptism that offered liberation from established social hierarchies, including the patriarchal order of sixteenth-century Europe. How did Anabaptism offer new opportunities for women, and how did women contribute to the development of the Anabaptist movement?
3) Migration has played a crucial role in Anabaptist and Mennonite history. Develop this idea with reference to the migrations to Moravia, to Poland, and to the Palatinate, taking into consideration common circumstances and consequences.
4) Nonresistance is recognized as a key value of Anabaptism, but it was not a settled position in the early days. Describe the evolution of Anabaptist views on “the sword” in the first decades of the movement, taking note of leading figures and variation over time and place.
5) The year is 1989, and you are the culture critic for Anabaptist-Mennonite Historian Quarterly, the premier magazine for serious students of Anabaptist and Mennonite history. Write a critical (i.e., thoughtful and analytical) review of the new film The Radicals. Your audience is fully versed in the latest historiography and will be interested in your perspective on how the story of Michael and Margaretha Sattler is told. You might reflect on how the film portrays the role of individuals in history, gender dynamics, the theme of suffering, and so on. You might also touch on the film’s flaws, from an historian’s point of view, and its value as a teaching resource.
6) Mennonites, Hutterites, and the Amish all have traditions of principled separatism. Describe the development of this separatist tradition, taking into account theological statements, political conditions, and ways in which separatist positions were expressed.
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