Homework for Moldflow

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Homework for Moldflow
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1.In this homework, we will use Autodesk MoldflowTM to conduct analysis for finding out the injection location and perform fill and pack analysis. Please find the adapter.stl file that has been located in the Announcement section on the Blackboard. Download it and using the analysis conducted by Autodesk MoldflowTM, answer the following questions

  1. What is the difference between “Dual Domain Analysis Technology and the “3D Analysis Technology” in terms of the part geometry?
  2. Using the advanced Gate Location Algorithm and specifying the number of gates as 1, and the material being the generic polypropylene find the suitable Gate location. Indicate the prohibited gate locations by specifying tolerance angle if you feel it is necessary. Provide a screenshot at this stage. Why might we need to specify the prohibited gate locations? Please provide an explanation as per class classroom discussion.
    1. Indicate the regions with the best gate suitability and minimum flow resistance? Specify the coordinates of the best gate location. Provide a screenshot if necessary.
    2. What is the significance of this information? What would happen if we specify less than optimal injection location point? Please specify based on classroom discussion?
  3. Designate the gate location as the most suitable location indicated by software. Provide a screenshot.
  4. Using the results obtained from the previous step, conduct fill and pack analysis. Indicate whether the part can be filled with acceptable quality by using the current injection location. What would happen if the location of injection is changed? What kind of defects can you envisage if the fill cannot be performed with acceptable quality?
  5. Provide the information on
    1. Maximum clamp force during cycle
    2. Cycle time
    3. Fill time
    4. Regions marked with different confidence of fill
    5. Time to reach ejection temperature.
    6. Location with air traps and weld line. Discuss the importance of air traps and weld line in terms of the product defects and its potential effect on the quality

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