I provided all files needed for this assignment, including the articles.
1. Read article one, then article 2
2. Open the “generation effect laboratory” excel sheet, and then open the “questions excel generate” which includes step by step instructions to follow for the excel portion of this assignment.
3. After completing the excel portion of the assignment save the finished document and send me the completed copy when the rest of the assignment is complete.
4. open the “Generation experiment” file which has step by step instructions for the paper part of the assignment.
4. Open “Generation manuscript”, and follow instructions to complete the writing portion.
The writing portion is filling in the highlighted places in the manuscript based on the articles and the data we get from the Excel portion done at the beginning.
The paper i will submit will be the same manuscript you will fill the highlighted parts in. We do not need to write a different document.
Specific requirements: When you are finished the assignment, please provide me with both the finished excel document portion and the writing document portion, so there should be two separate documents submitted back to me.
I really appreciate your help, and if you have any question don’t hesitate to ask. 🙂
To make things easier for my potential expert, for the written report of my assignment I want only certain questions answered
numbers I ,2 ,3 ,7,13,14,15,16
but thats just for the written part. the excel part needs to all be done
Basic explanations needed
Updated req
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