Thomas Foster argued that weather constituted a symbolic representation of various events in society. The aspects of weather can thus describe various issues in society, such as politics (Callanan). In James Joyce’s essay, an image of warmth is integrated significantly through the presence of fire. Consequently, fire is shown to be in a weakened state, thus enhancing the image of political paralysis that dominated Ireland in the post-Parnell era (Callanan). Besides, Foster enhances the aspect by portraying, “weather is never just weather.” In this case, Foster argues that the aspects of weather can be used symbolically in presenting various issues in society. For instance, rain can be applied symbolically to refer to Noah’s biblical story and thus induce the fear of drowning with the promise of beginning a new life (Callanan). Besides, Ivy Day’s story indicates a group of political canvassers who work in a mayoral candidate in city elections who warmed up from the cold, talked about politics, drunk together, and waited for their wage payments. The story commemorates Charles Stuart Parnell’s death and the implications of his leadership in the community (Callanan). The essay presents an analysis of “Ivy Day in the Committee Room” by using the ideology of Foster in “It’s more than rain or snow” to critique Frank Callanan’s article “The Parnellism of James Joyce.”
The interpretations of James Joyce increase the understanding of the reader about various symbolic features that can be integrated to explain life issues such as politics (Callanan). The hard time in keeping maintaining the fire faced by “Old” Jack implies the caretakers’ difficulties after the withdrawal or death of the opinion leader in the political environment. The fire presented in the article is not a robust flame or roaring bonfire but just cinders showing a significant weakening of glow (Callanan). Consequently, the fire, in turn, produces heat remnants that enhance the whitening coals showing the last stages of the fire. Thus, the fire is portrayed to have passed its maximum intensity, implying not being at its best capabilities of burning. The fire is not yet dead but shows significant signs of dying. The “Old” Jack attempts to restore the fire that shows no promising signs. This case related to fire symbolizes the Irish political situation (Callanan). The roaring of the fire represented the past of the Irish political situation that was enhanced by Parnell. Parnell’s leadership is maintained by the caretakers of his old regime and portrays to be diminishing significantly in the current world. The memory of Parnell persists even in the post-Parnell regime like the diminishing glowing fire. The powerful forces indicate to facilitate the process of eliminating Parnell’s political power in Ireland by weakening the old caretakers of his regime. This aspect is analogous to the dying fire that is feebly maintained by the “Old” Jack (Callanan). The recriminations that existed between the adherents of Parnell and the anti-Parnell party facilitated the prolongation of the split of Ireland beyond the death of Parnell. The enactment debate is enhanced between the Canvassers and the supported candidate of Tierney, a nationalist party member of the moderate who was a political ancestor (Callanan). Similarly, the political canvassers have the likelihood to get weak fire and the memory of the fire that is comparable to the memory of Parnell.
Consequently, “Ivy Day in the Committee Room” facilitates the mourning of the state of Irish politics due to the inconsistency of individuals to maintain their beliefs (Brown). The lack of maintenance of the believes is analogous to the fire’s failure to be sustainable. The group of gathering men once provided a promising national party that aimed at promoting the values of the Irish people. The weakening of the Parnell headquarters has led to the weakening of Irish national values (Brown). Thus, the current political parties are mainly focused on gaining control of Ireland instead of promoting the Irish people’s quality of life. The successive political regimes of Parnell had the mandate to eliminate the memory of Parnell in society. For instance, the anti-Parnell political party formulated policies that contradicted Parnell’s guidelines and aimed to eliminate Parnell’s memory in society (Brown). From the book of James Joyce, rains are depicted to enhance the cleansing effect and provide a fresh start. The feature of rain presented by James Joyce symbolizes the actions enhanced by the anti-Parnell party in Irish. The anti-Parnell party aims to eradicate Parnell’s policies and thus offer the Irish people a fresh start with new guidelines and ruling jurisdiction in the country (Brown).
The image of the rainbow is indicted by James Joyce to be related to rain. Various political parties in Ireland indicated cold resistance to the leadership of Parnell in society (Brown). The aspect of cold resistance indicated the potential of the resistance to grow into its full potential, leading to eliminating the leadership memory of Parnell in Irish. Consequently, the rainbow signals symbolize the political parties’ cold resistance concerning the reign of Parnell (Brown). The advancement of the rainbow has the possibility of leading to the enhancement of the rains. The rains imply the full development of the resistance of the ruling regimes in the society. The growth of the political resistance to the potential of limiting the political perspectives of Parnell describes the advancement of the rainbow into rain (Brown). Accordingly, the political resistance indicates to restriction of the effectiveness of political features of Ireland. The limited political features indicate restricting Ireland’s political advancements, thus leading to unsuccessful political encounters in the country. Thus, for the integration of effective political advancements, the political parties in Ireland should have focused on promoting Parnell’s political perspectives instead of resisting them (Brown). The process of focusing on refining Parnell’s political perspectives indicates having the capacity to promote successful policies focused on transforming society. Societal transformation implies that the Irish people’s living conditions will be integrated significantly in the community (Brown).
Parnell’s leadership in Ireland is portrayed as significant, so he is considered the political father (Balkaya). However, betrayal is enhanced by the lack of maintenance of Parnell’s political ideologies in society. The next political parties had the aim of eliminating the memory of Parnell in society. James Joyce portrays the symbol of betrayal from the image of fire. The fire is shown not being maintained well, leading to the deteriorating strength of burning. The individuals mandated to take care of the fire failed in their tasks, leaving a week and feeble “Old” Jack to maintain the fire (Balkaya). Similarly, Parnell’s old team is shown to be the only ones loyal to Parnell’s political perspectives in Ireland. Consequently, the acts of betraying enhance Ireland due to the selfish interests of the region’s political leaders. Therefore, the state’s political leaders have not placed the interests of the country first compared to their desires (Balkaya). Accordingly, this aspect limits the values of politics in Ireland. The lower political values indicate to limit the rate of development of Ireland. The limited rate of societal advancement, in turn, reduces the quality of living conditions in the country (Balkaya).
From the above illustration, it is clear that the symbols indicated by the critical article of James Joyce, “The Parnellism of James Joyce,” enhance effective interpretation of “Ivy Day in the Committee Room.” For instance, James Joyce portrays the fading fire aspect in his article, which symbolizes Parnell’s fading political influence in Ireland. Parnell’s reduced political influence sparks a series of problems due to the enhancement of selfish interests among society’s successive leadership regimes. For example, the quality of living conditions of Irish people portrays to reduce significantly.
Works Cited
Callanan, Frank. “The Parnellism of James Joyce: ” Ivy Day in the Committee Room.” Joyce Studies Annual (2015): 73-97.
Brown, Richard. “JAMES JOYCE BROADSHEET.” (2016).
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