To The Bone
The paper should be double-spaced, 4-6 pages. With APA 7th. this paper provide a brief synopsis of the film, suggest a diagnosis for the character (considering differential diagnoses), and compare and contrast the symptom presentation in the movie to what we discussed in class/you read in the text. Deadline for submission on Blackboard is
My essay Feedback
Did you review the detailed guidelines and rubric posted on Blackboard? This paper fails to meet the formatting requirements or address many of the points in the prompt. I was generous with the grading but you still did not receive a passing score. Please reach out to me if you would like an opportunity to rectify this.
Grading Breakdown:
Character depiction- 10/20
Symptoms and Diagnosis- 15/25
Disorder, Prognosis, & Treatment- 15/25
Grammar, Spelling, & Punctuation- 8/15
Format- 5/15
+2 for visiting the writing center
Main points of feedback:
-No differential diagnosis discussed.
-No treatment plan proposed.
-No discussion of some of the major events in the character’s life that contributed to her illness (ex. The girl who died and claimed her art as inspiration)
-Only 2.75 pages of content (guidelines were 4-6 pages) and half of which is the movie synopsis (which was meant to be just one page)
-Minor formatting issues with cover and reference pages
-Sources are quoted but not cited in-text or in reference page. In fact only one reference is cited (minimum required was three including the DSM-5).
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