Ethics Paper

For the second paper, choose one of the following prompts.

  1. Read “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas,” by Ursula LeGuin, beginning on p. 236 of your textbook (I can also make available on Blackboard if anyone requests it), and respond as instructed below.
  2. Read “Maria von Herbert’s Challenge to Kant,” by Rae Langton (I’ll put it on Blackboard in this folder) and respond as instructed below.
  3. (Provided you did not choose this for the first paper) Read Anthem, by Ayn Rand and respond as instructed below. (This one is much longer than either of the above two readings, but some of you may already have read it in HS. I will put a copy on Blackboard in this folder.)
  4. Choose one of the following topics (or something similar, butASK ME FIRST) and write a position paper about it, using the terms and concepts of the course. (Is your position Utilitarian? Defend it from that perspective. Etc.) You should also characterize any opposition positions that you present (& argue against) using the terms of the course. Possible topics:
    •  Capital punishment
    •  The sale/purchase of organs for transplant
    •  Animal testing in medical research
    •  Physician-assisted suicide
    •  Affirmative action in college admissions

Since we will spend a lot of time in class looking at articles on Abortion, do NOT choose that topic.

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If you choose options 1, 2, or 3 above:

Options 1, 2, & 3 above give you readings reading which somehow represent (or engage with) an ethical theory we have considered in class. “Omelas” and Anthem are works of fiction; “Maria” is an article about an actual episode in Kant’s life. Your paper will be a response to the reading you choose, telling me which ethical theory it considers, whether you think that theory is fairly represented by the author, what the author’s opinion of the theory is (or what point she is trying to make about that theory), and your response (as a thoughtful student of philosophy, of course).

If you choose option 4 above:

To write about an ethical issue, you will have to lay out the problem clearly, defining any necessary terms for me; then defend your position on the right- or wrongness of the issue. Identify the general ethical position (Kantian, Utilitarian, etc.) from which you are arguing, and address any obvious objections to your position.

All papers should …

  •  give thoughtful consideration to the assigned article or chosen ethical issue, as well as evidence of your time as a student in this course.
  •  have an identifiable thesis.
  •  use standard written English.
  •  be long enough to get the job done. I’d say that’s about 1000 words (approx. 3 pages?) long.
  •  cite all direct quotes and borrowed ideas,andhave corresponding bibliography (/ works cited) page. Anystandard citation and bibliography format (such as MLA) is acceptable.
  •  be double-spaced, with margins no greater than 1 inch all around, and employ a 10-point sans serif font (suchas Arial). Yes, I care about font, margins, and spacing even though the paper will be an electronic submission.
  •  have a title. You do not, however, need a title page. You may head the first page (but not subsequent pages, please) of your paper as I have done this one, with your name (not mine, as a student once did!) and other relevant information in the upper corners and the title centered. You need not reproduce the question on your

page; I hope that as I read, it will be obvious which prompt you chose.


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