In order to prepare this annotated bibliography, you will first need to locate six reference works that discuss the specific topic that you are researching for your paper. To ensure that you fully develop your research skills while completing this project: The sources must be books or articles about this topic. this video will explain how the bibliography should be. None of these sources can be materials we have already covered in class (i.e. books or short texts that I have assigned this semester). (I am J, Picturing Will) You must provide sources from a variety of media. As many as five of the six sources can come from periodicals (journals, magazines, newspapers, etc.). You must also locate and include on this bibliography at least one book (or book chapter) that deals with your topic. It will be acceptable to include more book sources and fewer periodical articles; however, no more than one internet source – webpage/site, materials published solely in electronic format on the World Wide Web – will be accepted. It will be necessary for you to obtain full text versions of your resources, read them and then summarize them in an annotated bibliography format. Essentially, this is a Works Cited page – in Modern Language Association (MLA) format – that includes approximately four to six sentences summarizing each of the articles included. For MLA documentation guidelines, please refer to The Little Seagull Handbook, pages 119-69. To further assist you in properly formatting this bibliography, you will also find a sample annotated bibliography containing four sources posted in this module.