Histogram, Proficiency Requirements, & Statewide Assessment

III. Canvas Assignment #3

Students have been assigned three Interpreting School Data Assignments with three scenarios in each. Students will download the “A3 Interpreting School Data Assignment”, complete it, and submit under “Assignment 3”. Feel free to explain any of your answers if you think there may be some controversy about it.

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Histogram, Proficiency Requirements, & Statewide Assessment
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*Please submit as a Microsoft Word .doc attachment under Assignments.


Histogram Reading


Suppose you’re in a meeting to discuss 2005–06 reading data from the state assessment for your school’s third grade and they hand out this data display.





Figure F






  1. Based on this chart, what percentage of the school’s third graders have achieved proficiency?


  1. Based on this chart, what percentage of the school’s third graders were less than Proficient in reading?


  1. One of your colleagues, after looking at these data says, “There’s something wrong with this chart.” Would you agree? Why or why not?


Proficiency Requirements

Scenario H

Suppose you’re teaching in a district that requires students to attain eighth-grade proficiency in mathematics in order to enroll in Algebra I in high school. Looking at students’ performance the preceding year, you found the results in this table for the Latino and African American students who make up your school’s entire student body.


  • A score of 65% on the district math test is considered proficient, and


  • A school is considered “low performing” if less than 50% of students in any student subgroup reach proficiency.


Figure G

2005–06 Achievement in Grade 8 Mathematics

Group Number of Students Mean Math Score Percentage Proficient Number Proficient
African American 228 67.5 61 139


31 66 48 15


Scenario H


What do these data tell you about how well students are doing at your school?


Regarding the statements below, indicate whether you agree or disagree with each and why.

  1. The majority of our eighth graders are proficient in eighth-grade math.


  1. Our school is not getting enough European American students to proficiency, but African American students are meeting the required performance standard.


  1. Our school is classified as low performing based on these mathematics scores.


What actions should your school consider to avoid being labeled “low performing” in the coming year?

Which of these statements do you agree with based on these data? (Explain your answer for each.)

  1. This year all eighth graders should get more intensive instruction in mathematics.


  1. This year all European Americans students should get more intensive instruction in mathematics.


  1. Teachers should obtain a detailed breakdown of last year’s test results by item or content standard.


  1. Our eighth-grade mathematics program isn’t necessarily “broken,” there’s a good chance that 50% or more of African American students will meet the proficiency requirement this year.



Statewide Assessment


Scenario I

Statewide assessment data for a middle school have been compiled in Figure I below. Year 3 is the current school year. The principal of Middle School EFG has given you, the assistant principal, the task of analyzing the data presented in the table.



Figure I

Statewide Assessment Data For A Middle School


Scenario I


You are to use this information to prepare a memorandum for members of the school advisory council that summarizes the data and describes plans for improving student performance in one or more areas of need.

The memorandum should include

  • Identification of data trends for all students in the school and for each subgroup of students
  • An analysis of the data to support the implementation of professional development aimed at improving instruction in one or more areas of need
  • A description and explanation of professional development and/or strategies to improve instruction in an identified area of need
  • A plan to monitor instructional improvement in the identified area of need




III. Canvas Assignment #3

Students have been assigned three Interpreting School Data Assignments with three scenarios in each. Students will download the “A3 Interpreting School Data Assignment”, complete it, and submit under “Assignment 3”. Feel free to explain any of your answers if you think there may be some controversy about it.

*Please submit as a Microsoft Word .doc attachment under Assignments.


Histogram Reading


Suppose you’re in a meeting to discuss 2005–06 reading data from the state assessment for your school’s third grade and they hand out this data display.





Figure F






  1. Based on this chart, what percentage of the school’s third graders have achieved proficiency?


  1. Based on this chart, what percentage of the school’s third graders were less than Proficient in reading?


  1. One of your colleagues, after looking at these data says, “There’s something wrong with this chart.” Would you agree? Why or why not?


Proficiency Requirements

Scenario H

Suppose you’re teaching in a district that requires students to attain eighth-grade proficiency in mathematics in order to enroll in Algebra I in high school. Looking at students’ performance the preceding year, you found the results in this table for the Latino and African American students who make up your school’s entire student body.


  • A score of 65% on the district math test is considered proficient, and


  • A school is considered “low performing” if less than 50% of students in any student subgroup reach proficiency.


Figure G

2005–06 Achievement in Grade 8 Mathematics

Group Number of Students Mean Math Score Percentage Proficient Number Proficient
African American 228 67.5 61 139


31 66 48 15


Scenario H


What do these data tell you about how well students are doing at your school?


Regarding the statements below, indicate whether you agree or disagree with each and why.

  1. The majority of our eighth graders are proficient in eighth-grade math.


  1. Our school is not getting enough European American students to proficiency, but African American students are meeting the required performance standard.


  1. Our school is classified as low performing based on these mathematics scores.


What actions should your school consider to avoid being labeled “low performing” in the coming year?

Which of these statements do you agree with based on these data? (Explain your answer for each.)

  1. This year all eighth graders should get more intensive instruction in mathematics.


  1. This year all European Americans students should get more intensive instruction in mathematics.


  1. Teachers should obtain a detailed breakdown of last year’s test results by item or content standard.


  1. Our eighth-grade mathematics program isn’t necessarily “broken,” there’s a good chance that 50% or more of African American students will meet the proficiency requirement this year.



Statewide Assessment


Scenario I

Statewide assessment data for a middle school have been compiled in Figure I below. Year 3 is the current school year. The principal of Middle School EFG has given you, the assistant principal, the task of analyzing the data presented in the table.



Figure I

Statewide Assessment Data For A Middle School


Scenario I


You are to use this information to prepare a memorandum for members of the school advisory council that summarizes the data and describes plans for improving student performance in one or more areas of need.

The memorandum should include

  • Identification of data trends for all students in the school and for each subgroup of students
  • An analysis of the data to support the implementation of professional development aimed at improving instruction in one or more areas of need
  • A description and explanation of professional development and/or strategies to improve instruction in an identified area of need
  • A plan to monitor instructional improvement in the identified area of need





















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