Week beginning | Topic for Lecture and Physical Class | On-line Workshop in that week |
September 28 | 1. Introduction. Accountability, law, standards and Framework | NO WORKSHOPS |
October 5 | 2. Tangible assets | I. Conceptual frameworks |
October 12 | 3.Off-balance sheet finance and lease accounting | II. Applying IAS 16 |
October 19 | 4.Intangible assets | III. Lease accounting |
October 26 | 5.Measurement of assets | IV. Applying IAS 38 |
November 2 | 6.Liabilities; and the example of pensions | V. Asset measurement bases |
November 9 | 7.Share-based payments | VI. Pension accounting |
November 16 | 8.Presentation of financial statements | VII. Share-based payments |
November 23 | 9. Synthesis on the consistency of IFRS with the Framework | VIII. Presentation of financial statements |
November 30 | 10. No lectures, but physical class on Revision | IX: Effects of the 2018 Conceptual Framework |
The lectures are recorded. There are two one-hour lectures each week. You can watch them in parts, and multiple times. You should watch them before the physical class of the week.
The one-hour physical classes put the lecture material into practice with examples. You can ask questions related to the lecture and to these examples.
The on-line workshops are in smaller groups. They provide an opportunity to discuss issues related to the lectures/classes, and to develop your understanding of the topics while deepening your grasp of the subject. Workshop assignments are set out later in this document.
The assessment for this module comprises an assignment and an end-of-module examination. The assignment carries a weighting of 30% and the two-hour examination carries a weighting of 70% towards the overall module mark.
The assignment question is set out in great detail at the end of this moduleoutline, along with some guidance and relevant reading. The assignment is due for submission no later than 12 noon on 19th November 2020.
The main textbook for the module (also used in year 3) is:
Alexander, Britton, Jorissen, Hoogendorn and van Mourik,International Financial Reporting and Analysis, 7th Edition, Cengage Learning, 2017 (ISBN 978-1408075012). DO NOT BUY OR READ ANY EARLIER EDITION, as it is out of date. In the reading guide below, this book is referred to as ALEXANDER.
Two other textbooks that cover similar material are:
Alexander, D. and Nobes C. Financial Accounting: An International Introduction, 7th edition, 2020, Pearson.
Barry Elliott and Jamie Elliott Financial Accounting and Reporting, 17th Edition, Harlow: Pearson, 2015 (ISBN 978-1292080505)
In addition to the textbook, you should read the academic and professional articles that are listed below for each topic. All these items are available on the module Moodle page.
To develop students’ knowledge and understanding of:
Textbook reading
ALEXANDER chapters 1, 3 and 9.Note that the book is out-of-date now because it deals with the old Framework only.However, all the current standards were written under the old Framework, so it is still relevant to us.
Regulatory reading
The 2010 and 2018 Conceptual Frameworks of the IASB are on Moodle.
Article reading
Barker, R. (2015) ‘Conservatism, prudence and the IASB’s conceptual framework’, Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 514-38.
Barker, R. and Teixeira, A. (2018) ‘Gaps in the IFRS conceptual framework’, Accounting in Europe, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 153-66.
Bushman, R. & Landsman, W. R. (2010), ‘The pros and cons of regulating corporate reporting: a critical review of the arguments’, Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 259-273.
Messner, M. (2009), ‘The limits of accountability’, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol. 34, No. 8, pp. 918-938.
Lecture 2 – Tangible assets
To develop students’ knowledge and understanding of:
Textbook reading
ALEXANDER chapters 12, 14 and 16.
Regulatory reading
IASs 2, 16 and 40 are on Moodle.
Article reading
Israeli, D. (2015), ‘Recognition versus disclosure: evidence from fair value of investment property’, Review of Accounting Studies, Vol. 20, pp. 1457-1503.
To develop students’ knowledge and understanding of:
Textbook reading
ALEXANDER chapters 4 and 15 (you are not expected to cover accounting by lessors).
Regulatory reading
IFRS 16 is on Moodle.
Article reading
Barker, R. and McGeachin, A. (2013) ‘Why is there inconsistency in accounting for liabilities in IFRS? An analysis of recognition, measurement, estimation and conservatism’, Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 43, No. 6, pp. 579-604.
Barone, E., Birt, J. and Moya, M. (2014) ‘Lease accounting: a review of recent literature’, Accounting in Europe, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 35-54.
Morales-Díaz, J. and Zamora-Ramírez, C. (2018) ‘The impact of IFRS 16 on key financial ratios: a new methodological approach’, Accounting in Europe, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 105-33.
Nobes, C. W. (2005), ‘Rules-based standards and the lack of principles in accounting’, Accounting Horizons, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 25-34.
Lecture 4 – Intangible assets
To develop students’ knowledge and understanding of:
Textbook reading
ALEXANDER chapters 13 and 14.
Regulatory reading
IAS 38 is on Moodle.
Article reading
Amir, E., Lev, B. and Sougiannis, T. (2003), ‘Do financial analysts get intangibles?’, European Accounting Review, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 635-659.
Basu, S. and Waymire, G. (2008), ‘Has the importance of intangibles really grown? And if so, why?’, Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 171-190.
Skinner, D.J. (2008), ‘Accounting for intangibles – a critical review of policy recommendations’, Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 191-204.
Wyatt, A. (2008), ‘What financial and non-financial information on intangibles is value-relevant? A review of the evidence’, Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 217-56.
To develop students’ knowledge and understanding of:
Textbook reading
ALEXANDER chapters 6, 7 and 12 (note: concentrate on how assets and liabilities are measured – you will not be expected to know how to prepare full financial statements using different measurement bases).
Regulatory reading
IASs 2, 16, 38, 40, 41 are on Moodle.
Article reading
Barth, M. E. (2010), ‘Comments on panellists’, Abacus, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 120-127.
Barth, M. E. & Landsman, W. R. (1995), ‘Fundamental issues related to using fair value accounting for financial reporting’, Accounting Horizons, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 97-107.
Dean, G. (2010), ‘Background and case for exit-price accounting’, Abacus, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 84-96.
Lennard, A. (2010), ‘The case for entry values: a defence of replacement cost’, Abacus, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 97-103.
Nobes, C. W. (2015), ‘IFRS ten years on: Has the IASB imposed extensive use of fair value? Has the EU learnt to love IFRS? And does the use of fair value make IFRS illegal in the EU?’, Accounting in Europe, Vol.12, No. 2, pp.153-170.
Sellhorn, T. and Stier, C. (2019), ‘Fair value measurement for long-lived operating assets: research evidence’, European Accounting Review, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 573-603.
Penman, S. H. (2007), ‘Financial reporting quality: is fair value a plus or minus?’,Accounting and Business Research, Special Issue: International Accounting Policy Forum, pp. 33-44.
Whittington, G. (2010), ‘Measurement in financial reporting’, Abacus, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 104-110.
Whittington, G. (2008), ‘Fair value and the IASB/FASB conceptual framework project: an alternative view’, Abacus, Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 139-168.
Bradbury, M. (2008), ‘Discussion of Whittington’, Abacus, Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 169-180.
To develop students’ knowledge and understanding of:
Textbook reading
ALEXANDERchapters 19 and 21.
Regulatory reading
IASs 19 and 37 are on Moodle.
Article reading
Napier, C. J. (2009), ‘The logic of pension accounting’, Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 231-249.
Josiah, J., Gough, O., Haslam, J. & Shah, N. (2014), ‘Corporate reporting implication in migrating from definedbenefit to defined contribution pension schemes:A focus on the UK’, Accounting Forum, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 18-37.
Macve, R. (2010), ‘The case for deprival value’, Abacus, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 111-119.
Nobes, C. (2011), ‘On Relief Value versus Fair Value for the Measurement of Liabilities’, Accounting and Business Research,Vol.41, No.5, pp.515-524.
To develop students’ knowledge and understanding of:
Textbook reading
ALEXANDER chapter 21.
Regulatory reading
IFRS 2 is on Moodle.
Article reading
McKernan, J. F. (2007), ‘Objectivity in accounting’, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol. 32, No. 1-2, pp. 155-180.
Ravenscroft, S. & Williams, P. F. (2009), ‘Making imaginary worlds real: the case of expensing employee stock options’, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol. 34, No. 6-7, pp. 770-786.
Nobes, C. W. & Stadler, C. (2015), ‘The qualitative characteristics of financial
information, and managers’ accounting decisions: evidence from IFRS policy changes’, Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 45, No. 5, pp. 572-601.
Lecture 8 – Presentation of financial statements
To develop students’ knowledge and understanding of:
Textbook reading
ALEXANDER chapters 8 and 23.
Regulatory reading
IAS 1 is on Moodle.
Article reading
Nobes, C. (2009),‘The importance of being fair: an analysis of IFRS regulation and practice’, Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 39, No. 4, pp.415-427.
To develop students’ knowledge and understanding of:
Textbook reading
ALEXANDER chapter 4.
Regulatory reading
The 2010 and 2018 Frameworks are on Moodle.
Article reading
Barker, R. &McGeachin, A. (2013),‘Why is there inconsistencyin accounting for liabilities in IFRS? An analysis of recognition, measurement,estimation and conservatism’, Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 43, No. 6, pp.579-604.
Brouwer, A., Hoogendoorn, M. &Naarding, E. (2015),‘Will thechanges proposed to the conceptual framework’s definitions and recognition criteria provide abetter basis for IASB standard setting?’, Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 45, No. 5, pp.547-571.
Nobes, C. W. (2012), ‘On the definitions of income and revenue in IFRS’, Accounting in Europe, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 85-94.
For the assignment, you are required to choose a company which uses IFRS, based in any country, which operates inone of the following business sectors:
If the company operates in several business sectors, its main activity should be in one of the three sectors listed above. You should look at the consolidated statements and related notes.
The company you select should have its equity share capital listed on a stock exchange. It should publish its annual financial statements and annual report in English, accessible on the company’s website.To repeat: the company should use IFRS for its reporting; and this will exclude US corporations. Use the latest available annual report (e.g. with year ending 31 December 2019 or 31 March 2020).
You are required to write a report (maximum 1,250 words, excluding the reference list and excluding any factual material about the company included in appendices). Your reportshould use your chosen company to examine the practical problems of applying fair value measurement. Your report should cover the following aspects:
In writing your report, the following guidance may be helpful:
Hitz, J.-M. (2007), The decision-usefulness of fair value accounting – a theoretical perspective,European Accounting Review, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 323-362.
Biondi, Y. (2011), The pure logic of accounting: A critique of the fair value revolution,Accounting, Economics, and Law, Vol. 1, No. 1, Art. 7 (available at: http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/56/18/94/PDF/viewcontent.pdf).
Herrmann, D., Saudagaran, S. M. & Thomas, W. B. (2006), The quality of fair value measures for property, plant, and equipment,Accounting Forum, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 43-59.
Christensen, H. B. & Nikolaev, V. V. (2011), Does fair value accounting for non-financial assets pass the market test? Review of Accounting Studies, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 734-775.
These researchers suggest that most German and UK companies use historical cost for property, plant and equipment, except for investment properties. Use of fair value as a main measurement method is rare.
You will be assessed in part on the quality of your arguments and how you use relevant evidence to support your arguments and your conclusions. The references in this note are provided to get you started, but you are encouraged to explore other material.
There is a marking rubric available in the Introduction part of the Moodle page for this module. This should help you to plan your report.
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