Week 5 student assignment

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Week 5 student assignment
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By Saturday, 11:59pm, please respond to two of your discussion group’s questions. As a good student, you will want to engage the question in a way that demonstrates your knowledge of the course materials, but also your ability to think critically and creatively. You can answer the question in a straight-forward fashion, you can expand on it, you can make connections, you can even critically analyze the question. Since you will not (necessarily) be graded on answering the question right or wrong, you have some liberty here to develop this response in critical and creative ways. For more detailed suggestions and expectations for what makes a good response, see the attached rubric.  (no more than 300 words per response)



I am so sorry that you should find those movie and watch by yourself. Fortunately, these movies are famous and easy to find online.

For the readings I already upload.

Please follow the guideline very carefully and write correctly.

If you have any question please ask me.

Please write as better as possible.

Thank you!





group’s questions


Tony Lopez

Given that post production now offers the potential to manipulate images in infinite ways, do you think that the influx of digital technology into cinema, especially CGI, has taken some of the artistry out of filmmaking?


Joanne Kim

In Week 5, we learned about digital technology in the film industry in depth. Especially, CGI has made it able to bring the idea that an image does not necessarily have to exist. Many blockbuster films such as Kingkong have used this technology animating the moments in the film. As we looked at the most successful film in South Korea, the film The Host (Bong Joon Ho 2006) which also has used CGI technology, do you think the usage of CGI technology has impacted its success like other Hollywood blockbusters?




Discussion Response Recommendations and Rubric



Qualities of a good response/types of responses:


  • Written clearly, proofread, organized in a clear and effective way (no more than 300 words)
  • Addresses the question directly (or questions, if in multiple parts)
  • Demonstrates (even highlights) knowledge of the course materials
  • Provides examples to back up response
  • Constructively challenges the question (or poses a clarifying question or suggests a different perspective or interpretation)
  • Expands on the question, making connections between the question and other course materials
  • Demonstrates deep analytical and critical thinking (through a cultural studies lens)






Discussion Assignment Rubric


POINTS 8-10 5-7 1-4 0
Response -Addresses question directly (and all its parts)

-Highlights knowledge of course materials

-Responds in a critical and/or creative way (as suggested in above list)

-Well-written, engaging to read

-Addresses all or most of the question

-demonstrates knowledge of course materials

-could respond more critically and/or creatively (as was suggested in above list)

-writing mostly clear, but could use revision and/or proofreading

-posted a response, but with minimum effort and/or with irrelevant remarks

-no critical or creative response (as was suggested in list above)

-poorly written

-no response posted


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